For Brands & Businesses


My Trip to Sprouts Headquarters in AZ!

A couple of weeks ago I was invited as a new brand partner to visit Sprouts HQ in Phoenix, Arizona! It was so great to learn all about Sprouts as I am a fairly new customer to Sprouts as they are new here in South Florida! Whether you are a nutrition enthusiast, into natural foods and products or just a foodie in general, you will absolutely love Sprouts! Here are some things that I learned (and what I love!) about this natural foods market chain:

1. They truly provide an opportunity to "adventure shop" with so many natural products especially their own Sprouts Brand products. You can find so many yummy items here, I fell in love with the Coconut Rolls (a must try!) as well as their air chilled chicken...if you haven't tried air-chilled chicken yet, you are absolutely 100% missing out, it's a game changer! Air-chilled chicken isn't submerged in water when being chilled, it is brought down to temperature by passing through chambers of cold, purified air. The chicken is so much more tender and juicy, as mentioned, it's a serious game changer!

2. Their product development team travels the globe to find delicious ingredients and products to offer. Right now I have Sprouts Brand Cannolis in my freezer that are made in Italy and those delish Coconut Rolls I mentioned are a product of Thailand. If you can't travel the globe you can just go right on down to Sprouts for some international delights!

3. They are dedicated to sustainability and helping the community! Everything from the lighting, to the refrigeration systems and what is done with leftover produce and packaging is all thoughtfully executed, they recycled 91 million pounds of cardboard just last year alone! They also support the community, we helped pack 100 snack bags for children for the United Way AZ so that they would have healthy snacks this summer!

Definitely proud to be a Sprouts Partner and love that they are expanding here in South Florida! If you are in Palm Beach County you can check out the Wellington location and Boynton Beach and Jupiter are opening soon!


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