Let’s face it...when it’s chilly outside, the last thing you want to do is reach over to your cold water bottle and take a sip. After all, having absolutely no visual clue like sweating during the summer months can get the better of you, making you ignore your daily water requirements. Although how ...
Exercising outside during the summer months can be difficult as the temperature rises. When the sun is shining brightly, even heat-loving, sun-seeking exercisers can feel overheated.
Here are my top tips to help you stay active comfortably in the hot months of Summer:Â
Choose your exercise wisely....
Electrolytes are minerals, such as sodium, calcium, and potassium, that are necessary for a variety of bodily functions. They're frequently linked to dehydration and highlighted in advertisements for sports drinks that claim to replace electrolytes lost through sweat. Some other electrolytes in your...
It is safe to assume most people know how important it is to stay hydrated, but what they also assume is that the only way to stay hydrated is by drinking loads of water. Coffee and tea usually get a bad reputation when it comes to hydration due to their diuretic effect but in fact, those options ca...
We have all heard that we should be getting in more steps throughout the day and utilizing opportunities to be more active but many are not aware that there is a specific category of calories that everyone burns throughout the day called NEAT calories: Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Think of t...
Could sleep deprivation be a reason why you aren’t losing weight? Many individuals focus on proper nutrition, exercise and stress reduction, but if you find that the scale isn’t moving or that the pounds are creeping up, you may need to evaluate your sleep habits!There is a growing body of research ...
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