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Cannolis & Carrots Blog

Foods for Thought (and Focus!)

Do you have trouble focusing on your work? Well you’re not alone. Whether you want to improve your nutrition during exam season or stay alert in your next business meeting, paying attention to what foods you’re eating can really pay off. 

Here are 5 foods that may help support focus and concentrati...

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How to Stop Comparing Your Body to Others on Social Media

Social media has made it easier than ever to compare ourselves to other people. It seems like no matter how much we tell ourselves not to, we still find ourselves thinking about what it would be like to “look like that”. 

Scrolling through photos on a regular basis, especially images that trigger n...

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How to Build a Healthy Snack and 10 Balanced Snack Ideas

If you have ever reached for a muffin, some candy or just a handful of pretzels for a snack you may know what I am talking about here... You have your snack and an hour later you want to take a nap or you feel energized right after but then find yourself crashing after. 

For the perfect balanced sn...

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Does Our Metabolism Really Slow Down with Age?

You’ve probably been told at some point in your life that the body's metabolism (or the rate at which we convert food and drink into energy) is at its peak during our adolescent years. After that, our metabolism allegedly slows down as we get older, causing us to process calories at a slower rate, r...

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5 Cream Cheese Alternatives

Are you having a hard time finding your favorite cream cheese spread in the grocery store? Well you’re definitely not alone. Widespread cream cheese shortages were first reported in December, following a cyberattack in October against the largest cheese manufacturer in the U.S. 

For breakfast lover...

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Emotional Eating: What It Is and Tips to Manage It

Do you find yourself racing to the pantry or to the fast-food drive-thru after a long, stressful day? Well you’re not alone. Finding comfort in food when you’re feeling emotional is common and this is known as emotional eating.

Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better—to fill emo...

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4 Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep for Weight Management

Did you know that getting enough sleep may be just as important as your diet and exercise if your goal is to lose weight? 

Truth is, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis.  

Experts say you should aim to get between seven and eight hours of shut-eye each nig...

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Budget Friendly Grocery Shopping Tips

Some love to do it and others absolutely hate doing it — that’s right, we’re talking about grocery shopping. 

A trip to the grocery store may cost you a bit more these days. With rising prices and availability issues it's more challenging than ever to bring home the ingredients you need for balance...

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5 Ways to Make Veggies More Tasty!

If I ask you to imagine vegetables for a moment, what’s the first thought that comes to mind? If you’re thinking of those boring, steamed broccoli florets… well it’s time to think again! 

There are countless ways to prepare vegetables that are not only healthy but delicious as well, try out these 5...

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How to Build a Smoothie Based on Your Goals

Smoothies are not only quick and easy to prepare, but they’re also portable for convenient, on-the-go meals and snacks. Plus, they make a tasty way to reach your daily fruits and vegetable needs. We love a good smoothie, but it’s important to know that not all blends are created equal. 

In order to...

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